Commercial Properties
  1. $800-1800
    848 Husky Highway Fairmont
    848 Husky Highway Fairmont
    This commercial building is 2 miles from downtown Fairmont, outside city limits. It is over 2100 square feet and is currently divided into a small retail space and a large office space. Landlord is motivated to get this rented by July 1st!
  2. $1000
    866 Husky Highway Fairmont
    866 Husky Highway Fairmont
    This commercial building is 2 miles from downtown Fairmont, outside city limits. It is over 1700 square feet and could be used for retail, office, or a restaurant. Can be remodeled to suit. Rent is negotiable.
  3. $650-1200
    850 Husky Highway Fairmont
    850 Husky Highway Fairmont
    This commercial building is 2 miles from downtown Fairmont, outside city limits. It is over 1170 square feet and can be divided into two 585 square foot offices or left as one larger office space. Offices are on the first floor. Build out is required but could be ready in 90 days.